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online registration closes April 1st


packet pick up, Keg Grove Brewing, Morris, IL 5:30-8pm


packet pick up, 6:00-7:15am at:

Keg Grove Brewing

222 Waupaunsee St, Morris IL 60450

Course Maps Here!

100K Link

64K Link

START TIME: 8am Morris, IL

Plenty of street and lot park nearby: Directions here!

post race:

Keg Grove Brewing

222 Waupaunsee St, Morris IL 60450


awards presentation after high noon,

Equal Payouts top 5 open/usac men and women 100K

random give-aways following


sunday april 6th

rest day start preparation for next race

We Care of Grundy County

Our charity partner offers a quick fact. 3 non perishable food items is a great donation but consider this, a $3 monetary donation allows WCofGC to purchase up to 9 non perishable food items! We like their thinking and appreciate anything you can bring to them.

what am i signing up for?:

Styled as a Spring Classic bike race/ride our course is friendly to nearly every style of bike and bike rider. This presents you with a fantastic opportunity to try something new. Courses stack up as 63% road to 37% gravel surface mixture for both 100K and 64K courses. If you're gravel curious, cycling curious, want to level up to your next distance, come out and be surrounded by your peers in the cycling community. This is an ALL INCLUSIVE event as it has been from inception. Starting and finishing in the welcoming town of Morris, Illinois about an hour outside of Chicago with some classic farm country roads. You'll face some short punchy climbs, wind on the open portions, and a run into the finish on the Historic I&M Canal tow path.

Due to the distances there is no on course support, but there are available mini-marts well placed in Marseilles and Seneca if you need a Snickers and a Coke!

We have approximately 6 intersections with law enforcement present for everyone's safe passage! The course is very well marked with ground arrows, turn signage and turn confirmation signs (after you've turned you see these!)


(Learn a bit about what a Spring Classic is click here)

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